Back in November last year, I wrote a script which handled backing up a drupal database. There were quite a few comments and I've taken some on board and developed the script on a little further to be more "generic".
One of the main complaints/suggestions about my previous snippet was the hard coded nature of it. The follow script offers far more configuration through the command line itself.
#!/bin/bash # Define the options for this command OPTION_SPEC="help,database:,file:,user:,password:,exclude:,exclude-drupal-tables,prefix:" PARSED_OPTIONS=$(getopt -n "$0" -a -o h --long $OPTION_SPEC -- "$@") OPTIONS_RET=$? eval set -- "$PARSED_OPTIONS" # Define an array of tables to be exluded DBEXCLUDE=( ) # Define an array of table prefixes DBPREFIX=( ) # Define a usage help function usage() { cat <$DBFILE # Define the username, if it's not already set if [ ! -n "$DBUSER" ] then DBUSER="" else DBUSER="--user=${DBUSER}" fi # Define the password, if it's not already set if [ ! -n "$DBPASS" ] then DBPASS="" else DBPASS="--password=${DBPASS}" fi # Define the default 'structure only' tables DBEXCLUDE_TABLES="" ELEMENT_COUNT=${#DBEXCLUDE[@]} if [ "$ELEMENT_COUNT" -gt 0 ] then INDEX=0 while [ "$INDEX" -lt "$ELEMENT_COUNT" ] do DBEXCLUDE_TABLES="${DBEXCLUDE_TABLES}|${DBEXCLUDE[$INDEX]}" let "INDEX = $INDEX + 1" done DBEXCLUDE_TABLES="(${DBEXCLUDE_TABLES:1})" fi # Define the structure only optional table prefixes DBPREFIX_TABLES="" ELEMENT_COUNT=${#DBPREFIX[@]} if [ "$ELEMENT_COUNT" -gt 0 ] then INDEX=0 while [ "$INDEX" -lt "$ELEMENT_COUNT" ] do DBPREFIX_TABLES="${DBPREFIX_TABLES}|${DBPREFIX[$INDEX]}" let "INDEX = $INDEX + 1" done DBPREFIX_TABLES="(${DBPREFIX_TABLES:1})?" fi # Define the structure only regex STRUCTURE_ONLY="/^${DBPREFIX_TABLES}${DBEXCLUDE_TABLES}$/" # Get the tables from the database TABLES=`mysql ${DBUSER} ${DBPASS} --batch --skip-column-names -e 'show tables;' ${DB}` if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Exiting for some kind of error... $?" exit 1 fi # Status message echo " Starting dump of ${DB}" # Loop over the tables for T in $TABLES; do # Test if the table matches the 'structure only' regex RESULT=`echo "$T" | gawk "$STRUCTURE_ONLY"` # if a match... if [ $RESULT ] then echo " STRUCTURE : ${T}" NODATA="--no-data" else echo " FULL : ${T}" NODATA="" fi # Dump the table onto the end of the DBFILE with the data or no data option mysqldump ${DBUSER} ${DBPASS} --opt --skip-comments ${NODATA} ${DB} ${T} >> $DBFILE done # Finish Message echo " Done" exit 0
Essentially this is the same script as in my previous post, however I've added functionality to provide a custom username, password, database, file, exclude (structure only) and optional-table-prefix...
Comments & suggestions welcome :)
Oh - one final thing… You can find the file for download in my Drupal Sandbox…